Dipped In Paint: A Painted Legacy - Vincent Keele Artist

Dipped In Paint A Solo Art Exhibition by Artist Vincent Keele

Dipped In Paint: A Painted Legacy" is a large solo exhibition by international multidisciplinary artist Vincent Keele. His work is characterized by its bold use of colors and rhythmic patterns that collide through thoughtful processes, allowing the viewer to find emotional connections along the way. This unique art show invites you to step into the vibrant world of abstraction and journey through the artist's perspective on building his pictorial legacy.

Vincent’s art allows for learning and conversational exploration by using a mix of expressionism and abstracted colorful flowing lines, a technique he calls, rhythm writing. This series aims to speak to our existence, bridging the gap between the aboriginal and the contemporary. "Dipped In Paint" explores the mind in motion and bridges fleeting thoughts with purposeful actions, and features never-before-seen artworks and sculptural pieces. Join us on this exploration of abstraction, emotion, and the rich journey of art that marks Vincent's painted legacy.

What can I say about this show? It has brought me some much joy. My goal was to wow people with a show unparalleled by other solo exhibitions. People are telling me I achieved that goal, but little did I know I would end up having the biggest black solo show in Washington. How or why, you may ask? Unfortunately, most of our talented artists of color, whether good, or bad, do not pursue or get offered solo shows. Some lack a large enough body of work, while others face challenges related to resources or the available space.

Galleries play a significant role in this issue because the majority of our artists are not represented by credible galleries. We have many vanity galleries here. I'll dive into more details about vanity galleries at another time, but it's crucial to know that they are not beneficial and do not contribute to the artist's career.

I have observed many artists making the mistake of jumping from one subject matter to another or riding social trends. They say yes to every art fair, craft show, house party, or coffee shop that shows a little interest in them. This is not the best idea for long term success.

I believe, as Bruce Lee said, that this is a game but should be played seriously.

I created this show to ignite inspiration in other great artists and to showcase what can be achieved through hard work. Let's break it down. The show features over 50 large-scale paintings, life-size sculptures, and two murals, one standing at 10 ft. x 10 ft. I've been asked several times, "How long did that mural take to paint?" I painted both at the same time, and they took two days because I was watching the paint dry from one to the other, lol.

Another question many of you have is about the age of the paintings. At the time of this email, two paintings and one sculpture are less than a month old. The show will continue to run through February, and I hope you get a chance to come out and see it for yourself. I will continue to pop in and out on the weekends if you want to plan a meet-up. While you're there, feel free to take a few high-fashion glamour shots. If you post them, please tag me; if not, just email them. I'd love to see you with the art.

I look forward to seeing you at the exhibition

Date: Open Now

Time: 5:00 pm - 8:00 p.m.

Venue: Schack Art Center 2921 Holt Ave.

Everett WA 98201

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